Giving Tuesday with Cry-sis
Giving Tuesday is the global date where everyone can come together to support a good cause.
It's why over the past two years, we've chosen to support our charity partner Cry-sis. As the only UK charity to offer help and support to parents with babies who cry excessively or have sleeping problems, we are proud share a similar mission to help families with little ones, especially when it comes to improving their sleep environment.
Why Giving Tuesday?
Giving Tuesday falls on the first Tuesday following Black Friday, which this year is the 29th November 2022.
We love to celebrate Giving Tuesday as it champions a world built on shared humanity and generosity. This global campaign joins millions from all over, with a common mission to promote generosity as an everyday part of life.
Whether it’s making someone smile, from anything such as helping a neighbour or stranger, showing up for an issue or people we care about, or giving some of what we have to those who need our help, every act of generosity counts, and everyone has something to give.

Gift to Give 2022
Giving Tuesday has previously been a great success to raise money for our chosen charity, however this year we wanted to go one step above...
Our Gift to Give donation scheme seemed like the perfect gift this festive period to not only highlight the work Cry-sis are doing on the day of Giving Tuesday but we're now also extending this across the first week of December.
That means on Giving Tuesday and up until 6th December, we are donating 50% of all sales with items ordered with gift wrap or purchases of our Gift Cards.
It is so easy to get wrapped up with the festivities of Christmas, but ultimately, we believe that Christmas is as much about giving as it is receiving.
With this in mind, we also wanted to provide charities with the invaluable baby essentials which many families will need during this tough time. So, together with our sister brand Natural Baby Shower, we are donating in-kind items from our stock to 2 other important charities too.
The gift parcel includes pyjamas, swaddles, and blankets and much more, all made with our 100% merino wool as well as a whole host of other brand's products to the charities Stripey Stork and The Baby Bank.

About our charity partner
Cry-sis begun in 1981 by a small group of parents who were experiencing problems with their crying and sleepless babies. They realised how important their support network was and how reassuring it can be to talk to someone about their troubles.
Today that support group has become Cry-sis, the only UK charity offering help and support to parents with babies who cry excessively or have sleeping problems. From modest beginnings Cry-sis has become a well-respected national charity that, thanks to their team of volunteers, have been able to help the lives of many new parents.
Services offered
Cry-sis offer a range of resources to help parents in need. From published journals to useful web-links, you can access this support in three channels;
- The helpline; available 7 days a week from 9.00am until 10.00pm.
- Helpful guides; offer advice and information on how to cope with a crying and/or a sleepless baby.
- Increase awareness; support research based campaigns to help other families in need.
How donations are helping
Donations help to fund the supported campaigns, yet services such as the helpline are completely provided by volunteers. You'll find these volunteers on the Cry-sis front line, manning the phones and providing much-needed support for mums, dads or carers struggling with crying babies. They help to provide a sympathetic ear and offer practical suggestions to the caller.
Want to get involved?
Do you know what it’s like to deal with an inconsolable, crying baby or understand the pressures of parenting young children?
You can volunteer your time, donate money, share your skills, campaign for something, donate goods; food, or clothes, organise a community event such as a street or park clean-up or a coffee morning - the list really is endless.