
The Merino Kids Newborn Cocooi is made with superfine merino wool which creates a micro-climate around baby, regulating their temperature and keeping them cosy throughout the night. This product is perfect for any newborn as it is soft, safe, and comfortable.
Newborn | Merino Kids UK
      17 products
    17 products

    Merino Kids Articles

    Can superfine merino wool help with eczema?

    Studies suggest that fibre types with a smaller diameter typically reduce skin irritation and while wool can have many fibre diameters, only low diameter - superfine merino wool - garments were used in the below studies...


    What Are The Benefits of Merino Wool?

    We have picked out some of the top benefits of the material to explain why we use it in our 100% natural baby sleepwear...


    Reduce, Reuse and Recycle with merino

    Changing all consumer behaviour can be difficult but finding out how you can help is easy! That’s why we want to shout about the fantastic eco properties of merino wool this Recycling Week...